
Hi, it’s been a week.
I’m Otorakobo.

I upgraded the expression of the Null Field that I had made in the MAP gimmick.
Null field: a place where you can’t get color, but HP is recovered.

I wanted to make it look like a bubble that exists in water, but I was surfing the net to see if I could make it look more like a water clock, and I found an expression that looked good, so I gave it a try.

I found it as a reference

It is a system that makes the outline glow in rainbow colors.
When there are bubbles or another liquid in water, I think it is better to have an element that does not mix with water, so I immediately thought of oil, and with this technique, I can emphasize the soap bubble feeling even more! This was the beginning of the experiment.


The boundary surface has been emphasized, and I think it now looks more like bubbles or another layer of liquid.
I thought it was very effective because it stood out as an object in the field and it was a fancy effect effect.

I used to use the rim light itself a lot, but I never had the idea to stick a texture here in screen space lol.

I guess there is still room to improve the quality!
See you soon!