Hi, it’s been a week.
This is Otorakobo.

There are no pictures this week!
This is because all I have been doing is speeding up the processing speed.

I have already figured out where the processing was slow, and it was due to the number of vertex operations and the back buffer.

This time, we focused on the back buffer to speed up the process.
I used to create a camera for each back buffer rendering, but recently I realized that I don’t need that and can just let CommandBuffer handle it.

So, here is how I tried to process water surface contour extraction and blurring with a single camera

I tried rendering in 4 passes: Original, Outline 1pixel, Outline 4pixel, and Mosic.


It looks good.
It seems that only the Setup and Submit processes are heavy, and the Shader part is not that much of a load.
It is a terrible story that this was executed with 4 cameras until now. It was actually taking 4 times longer.

So we were preparing to unleash this yoke as the first step in speeding up the processing.

Now that the rendering system is familiar to my hands, I’m thinking of replacing the production environment.
See you soon!