
Hi, it’s been a week.
This is Otorakobo.

This week, I’d like to introduce a rough draft of the UI.

We asked them to incorporate color and neon expressions based on the panel design.
I like the character name “Prism” because it looks really cool.
I am a RGB brain and I have a strong perception that white color = “canned” state, so it was an eye-opener for me to see the pattern on the white color.

Character select screen sample

It is very stylish.
I would like to make the select cursor glow or the edges of the buttons UV scroll.
I would like to consult with you about whether I can tweak this area with shaders or adjust it on the design side.

That’s all for today!
I had planned to write a boring program code for another season, but luckily I was able to introduce a gorgeous image of the UI, lol!

See you soon!